Datang dengan semangat dan azam yang baru
Ingin menggapai mimpi di kalbu
Segala rintangan yang dilalu
Terasa kecil dibanding impian terbuku
Terus mengharung dengan senyum seribu
Langkah tetap diterus jua
Meski dirasa makin bertambah diduga
Satu demi satu ujian menimpa, menguji jiwa
Impian masih teguh terpacak di dada
namun diri ini masih manusia
Mimpi terasa seakan memang , mimpi
Jauh, sukar digapai, hanya sekadar mimpi
Yang entah bila entah boleh dikecapi
Yang difikir hanya sekadar permainan fantasi dan emosi
Kuning pun datang menjelma
Menyinar terang dan ceria
Memutihkan yang asalnya kelabu
Mutasi di depan mata berlaku
Melihatnya dirasakan tidak mustahil, untuk aku
untuk menggapai yang selama ini diidam kalbu
Dengan azam dan usaha yang jitu
Tiada yang mustahil dengan pertolonganMu
who would have thought one day could be entirely different from the day before? or the day after?
or even, who knows of what is going to happen right after this?
*me, and no-need-to-be-asked-questions. :3
But then again, there's no such thing as a stupid question, is there? It all depends on us back, whether we deem it important, or the other way around. or even something else entirely different.
Counting, is a thing for the preliminary kids to learn
1 , 2, 3, and the list goes on. (usually they stop till 10 or 20 for kindergarteners, heheh). People grow up, and it has become so, easy *snaps fingers*. Why, we don't even need to think of what comes next after 465,897. It just comes naturally, almost like a reflex action. Immediate. Precise. *like a boss*
And we use it till this very day, in mathematics, buying groceries, paying prepaids, broadband, etc etc.
And has since become useful in our daily lives
----------Flashback in kindergarten---------
counting with fingers showing four, up a finger one by one.
"one, two, three, seven.."
teacher just looked at smiled patiently, correcting again and again till counted correctly. never rage blurted out from her. only patience, lovingness, and care emitted from her.
one fine day,
"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten" and looked up to teacher
smile with proud
beamed triumphantly
And all of us has gain benefit, greatly.
Yet we seldom appreciate what comes easy to us. What was once so hard to do, finally gained, arms flung triumphantly in success. Then, as time pass by, we forgot of all the effort we had to put in order to have what we have now. Hey, we're human kan?
Dude, not. an excuse.
People say that the past is a great teacher. It teaches you a lot, from your mistakes, your experiences, anything that you can learn from it. Sometimes we get it right away, bullseye. Sometimes we don't see it straight from the start. Have to go a little bit further, just a little bit more, before seeing the connection of it all.
And the future is just as important. Looking ahead. But still having a firm stand on the now. Planning, and doing all in a fair share of amount. At the same time, not losing grip of your origins, your beliefs.
surely it wouldn't be easy. just as how counting wasn't. but if we took the time, to appreciate, to remember, to keep track of ourselves. little by little, small steps taken, one by one. we'll get used to it.
it'll be okay.
because in the end, the important thing is that, we TRY, and TRY, and TRY.
*and pray to HIM without exception*
Counting, is a thing for the preliminary kids to learn
and for all to learn of it
may HE ease all.
funny (read: irony)
funny how the littlest thing can tuck our hearts,
and even the slightest change, was noticeable.
funny how when we start to pay attention to something,
suddenly we notice its everywhere
funny how everyone thinks they're all alone facing their problems
and all the others feel the exact same way, without even knowing that others feel the same too
funny that the most heart-plucking things,
are always repeated by the songs, the movies, the dramas, the blogs and all around us
plucking our hearts all the more
funny how with just one dream, and sheer determination and effort
it could all become true right infront of our eyes
funny when we're all enjoying our lives, facebook-ing and tweet-ing away,
that on the other side of the world, someone our age is actually fighting to stay alive
funny how we're all bombarded by all these information,
enough for us to actually do something,
all we did was just post something on our facebook wall, or a tweet
funny how when we want something,
and we finally achieved it, that's it.
nothing else, nothing less, nothing more
and even the slightest change, was noticeable.
funny how when we start to pay attention to something,
suddenly we notice its everywhere
funny how everyone thinks they're all alone facing their problems
and all the others feel the exact same way, without even knowing that others feel the same too
funny that the most heart-plucking things,
are always repeated by the songs, the movies, the dramas, the blogs and all around us
plucking our hearts all the more
funny how with just one dream, and sheer determination and effort
it could all become true right infront of our eyes
funny when we're all enjoying our lives, facebook-ing and tweet-ing away,
that on the other side of the world, someone our age is actually fighting to stay alive
funny how we're all bombarded by all these information,
enough for us to actually do something,
all we did was just post something on our facebook wall, or a tweet
funny how when we want something,
and we finally achieved it, that's it.
nothing else, nothing less, nothing more
" Kenapalah dengan anak ko ni? Tak tentu pasal dibuatnya. Apasal dipukul anak aku sampai macam ni sekali hah? Cuba ko tengok muka anak aku ni. Lebam sini, sini, sini. Mata pun tak boleh bukak. Aku taula ko susah sume, tapi jagala sikit anak ko tu. Sekarang siapa nak bertanggungjawab hah? Cuba ko jawab sikit! "
berkata Cik X sambil menunjuk bahagian-bahagian muka anaknya dalam nada kemarahan.
" Ye ye, maafla X. Aku tau anak aku wat silap, kesian anak ko. Tak pasal-pasal mukanya. Nanti saya ajar dia sikit. Maafla ye X, saya janji takkan ulang lagi. "
Cik YZ berkata, tersipu-sipu malu dengan anaknya.
Diam. Tegang.
"Adik tak wat salah pun!" Y bersuara, memberontak.
Tegang , kian bertambah.
" Eh, menjawab pulak dia. YZ! Ajar sikit anak ko tu! Biadab betul. Huh! " berpaling muka, masam mencuka.
" Maaf X. Maaf "
Adik berpaling ke arah maknya. Bergenang. Masih tersenyum.
Darah tersembur. Terpercik. Berselerak.
" Kalo ko berani cakap buruk lagi pasal mak aku, siap ngko! "
Terbatuk kecil.
"Memang padan dengan muka ko. Dahla mak miskin, ayah mati, ko pulak berpenyakit. Tengokla xde orang pun nak kawan dengan ko. Memang padan muka sangat."
Angin menderu.
Terdengar bunyi meraung kesakitan.
Manusia tak minta dipernasibkan sedemikian. Tak ada yang mintak dilahirkan miskin. Tak ada yang minta dilahirkan berpenyakit. Tak ada yang minta dilahirkan tanpa ibu, tanpa bapa. Tak ada yang minta dilahirkan hidup susah.
Heck, tak ada orang minta untuk dilahirkan if you think about it.
But things are the way they are, no escaping from that.
And people often judge you for that, not for who you are.
And even though you are affected by it, those around you are also affected, sometimes even more severely than you yourself.
People, that includes everyone, so badly wants to look good in the society's eyes so that they'll be judged fairly (read: good). To be accepted, and better, to be liked by all if possible. No matter what the circumstances might be. No matter what it takes, as long as they look good in front of others.
Even though it means sacrificing their own happiness, their loved ones happiness, their own self-satisfaction, just for what other peoples think. They stop listening to what actually matters, to their inner voice, conscience, and their loved ones' opinions. They stop considering of what's right or wrong, and just think of getting it, by hook or by crook.
But even the society changes. One moment, they like you this way. Then the other, they like you just like you were before. And because you weren't following your heart, your restlessness increases, little by little, day by day that eventually, it wears you off. big time.
In the end, the important thing is to make our OWN selves happy for who we are. Contempt .
We should give ourselves a better break.
But all in all, the MOST important is to make ourselves look good in HIS eyes. The Almighty.
And be thankful that we have this realization still in our hearts.
All praise to HIM.
*apologies for the ntahpape-ness
May peace be upon you.
shades, on.
when you think of one, you see the sun, bright. a perfect day. spending time with family, friends, your loved ones. beautiful, breath-taking sight. doing just everything in a good mood. a happy mood.
just having a good time with the ones you loved.
just having the greatest time.
But, nothing is ever as expected.
sometimes, you want just 'the' PERFECT holiday, you put such high standards on it. and after it, you start complaining about stuff, that weren't satisfying to you.
"why is the tour guide sooo boringg. can't he be more serious? that guys, like, have no sense of humour in hi. urggghhh"
"this food... i miss nasi goreng pattaya, i miss simple old milo ais. why do they have to make everything so dang complicated? it was all a bit spicy, yeah..."
"are they staring at us? OMG. who do they think they are? i'm boosting their economy and this is how they treat us? fine then. fine. we'll see how your economy goes when i don't go here anymore!" *storms off, stomping in anger*
and you start commenting, criticizing on EVERYTHING that you can see even the slightest mistake in it.
and in the process, you weren't even enjoying your holiday, which was supposed to be a time off, for relaxation, without even you yourself realizing it.
sad, brutal fact.
and when you return back to your routine normal daily life, you didn't even had a rest, a good time, which you so highly anticipated during your holidays. making it all the more restless.
according to Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there's this idea called "Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence"
Circle of Concern is where you are concerned about these things, these issues in which you have no power of.
Circle of Influence on the other hand is where you actually have the POWER to influence the things you do.
and so, Covey said that successful people focused their energy MORE in the circle of influence, where they can control, or predict, the outcome of their actions.
Sometimes , we tend to put such high standards, such great expectations on things that we have no control of. and we keep fussing about it when it's not according to our taste, or does not suit us.
That we tend to forget that we can actually have a good time. be optimistic. see the positive side on things.
And be thankful, that we are with our loved ones.
*an arrow straight to the heart, ouch
Holidays can be what we want them to be.
Even though sometimes the sun isn't shining as brightly and the rain is pouring cats and dogs.
But the important thing is we are spending time with the most dearest people to us in the world.
and that's all that matters.
just havin' a good time
*i miss this. it's been so long, my fingers aren't as used dancing as they were before. eheh
everything takes time, ay?
a wonder how HE works..
but, more important is our USAHA
its not the end yet
a wonder how HE works..
but, more important is our USAHA
its not the end yet
knock knock
hey, how you've been doing?
it's been a while, a long time since i've heard from you, how are you these days..?
i see that you seemed happy from your friends stories, well, good for you.
you look happy, i'm happy for you
i miss you
i'm sorry i havent called you. i know, im not that good with people. i dont have the guts.
and when the thought came to call you, another thought crept that you might be busy, that you maybe are having a good time, and hey, who am i?
well, im happy that you're happy, and i will always pray for you, the best for you.
do know that you are always in my prayer.
may peace be upon you.
hey, how you've been doing?
it's been a while, a long time since i've heard from you, how are you these days..?
i see that you seemed happy from your friends stories, well, good for you.
you look happy, i'm happy for you
i miss you
i'm sorry i havent called you. i know, im not that good with people. i dont have the guts.
and when the thought came to call you, another thought crept that you might be busy, that you maybe are having a good time, and hey, who am i?
well, im happy that you're happy, and i will always pray for you, the best for you.
do know that you are always in my prayer.
may peace be upon you.
i miss you
for better or worse
1 Jan 2012..
a brand new start. resolutions, anyone?
people are starting to realize their rights, and that they have the power to stand up to their rights. even more powerful is that when it is done together, more and more the impact becomes. beautiful, isn't it?
Egypt. Syria. Libya. and many more.. proof that we have the power to become what we envisioned.
people are also realizing that they CAN do something, for others, for the needy, for their friends, family, and ultimately, ourselves.
we just have to, change.
and accept it is going to be different, and go on with life. because life does go on, whether you're coming or not. you know what they say,
and once in a while, amidst all the hectic, a moment of silence, would be nice.
reminiscing about the past, learning, cherishing, the good and the bad, and just see how far we've gone n how much we've achieved. but in the end, we still have to move on with life.
however, don't get lost along the way. keep true to your values, beliefs and prinsips.
just be YOU along the way.
you might make touch others along the way, and make a change to them, for the better...
no harm in trying, right?
a new year, a new chapter in our lives, of course all would like a good beginning, and may it continues until the very end.. and may our lives are full with changes, for the better
insyaAllah .. :)
1 Jan 2012
resolutions, anyone?
for the better, insyaAllah.
changes doesn't happen, just by hoping and wishing, but it does help...:)
1 Jan 2012..
a brand new start. resolutions, anyone?
be it, for the better, or for worse. but change will come, sooner or later.
is happening all around the world, as we speak.people are starting to realize their rights, and that they have the power to stand up to their rights. even more powerful is that when it is done together, more and more the impact becomes. beautiful, isn't it?
Egypt. Syria. Libya. and many more.. proof that we have the power to become what we envisioned.
people are also realizing that they CAN do something, for others, for the needy, for their friends, family, and ultimately, ourselves.
we just have to, change.
and accept it is going to be different, and go on with life. because life does go on, whether you're coming or not. you know what they say,
change is the only constant in life
reminiscing about the past, learning, cherishing, the good and the bad, and just see how far we've gone n how much we've achieved. but in the end, we still have to move on with life.
however, don't get lost along the way. keep true to your values, beliefs and prinsips.
just be YOU along the way.
you might make touch others along the way, and make a change to them, for the better...
no harm in trying, right?
a new year, a new chapter in our lives, of course all would like a good beginning, and may it continues until the very end.. and may our lives are full with changes, for the better
insyaAllah .. :)
“ Barangsiapa yang hari ini dia lebih baik dari semalam, maka dia dari kalangan mereka yanng beruntung. Barangsiapa yang hari ini dia sama seperti semalam, maka dia dari kalangan yang rugi. Barangsiapa yang hari ini dia, lebih teruk dari semalam, maka dia di kalangan orang yang celaka”
Mafhum Hadith Rasulullah SAW.
1 Jan 2012
resolutions, anyone?
for the better, insyaAllah.
changes doesn't happen, just by hoping and wishing, but it does help...:)
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