
Air that comes out from woman’s vagina


Title: Fatawa: Essential Rulings for Every Muslim Woman (Fatawa al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah)

Compiled and translated by: Ibn Maqbool Husain

Published by: International Islamic Publishing House

Air that comes out from woman’s vagina and its effect on prayer

Q1. There is a woman, who, when she begins her prayer and goes into the rukoo’ or sujood or sitting positions, air comes out from her vagina. At times, it is such that others around her can even hear it. And at other times, only a small amount comes out and no one can hear it. So does this break the wudhoo’ and the prayer?

A1. The air that comes from the front (i.e. vagina) does not break the wudhoo’ (nor the prayer)

( Fatwa by The Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts, pg. 48)

Q2. Does the coming out of air from a woman’s vagina break the wudhoo’ or not?

A2. No, this does not break the wudhoo’ because it did not come out of an impure part, such as the gas that come out of the anus.

(Fatwa by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saaleh al-‘Uthaymeen, pg. 67)


From medical view, memang tiada angin keluar melalui vagina, melainkan jika wanita tersebut berpenyakit. Sebaliknya, angin tersebut adalah angin dari persekitaran luar yg terperangkap pada vulva (bukaan vagina). Vagina adalah bersambung dengan uterus atau rahim, manakala dubur adalah saluran daripada usus dan perut.

Sekadar ingin berkongsi ilmu dengan Muslimat lain, (utk Muslimin juga), mudah2an bermanfaat untuk dijadikan panduan buat kita semua. In sya’ Allah. =)